
Command Line Network Installer

For environments with direct internet access, the network installation method is recommended

Step 1: Log in and become root on the system

sudo su -i

Step 2: (Optional) Configure Proxy settings

export http_proxy=http://<IP>:<PORT>
export https_proxy=http://<IP>:<PORT>

Step 3: Run the Automated AEO Hub Installer

wget -q -O - |sh


See the unattended installs article for advanced instructions for unattended installations.

Step 4: Log in to the Web Console: https://<IP>:30001

The default login will be your license username/password

Advanced options:

--https-proxy=<URL> will set the https_proxy environment variable

--https-proxy-username=<PROXY_USER> will set the https_proxy_username environment variable

--https-proxy-password=<PROXY_PASS> will set the https_proxy_password environment variable

--beta will install from the beta repository

--install only install, do not configure

--standalone local install (no hub)

Offline ISO Installer

*NOTE* This installation option is only available with a specialty license. Please contact for more information

For environments without internet acesss

Step 1: Download the installation ISO

Step 2: Mount the ISO on the server

mount -o loop awp-hub-6.0.5-1603927858.iso /mnt

Step 3: Run the installation utility

/mnt/ /mnt

Select a Web Console username and password when prompted by the installer.

Step 4: Log in to the Web Console: https://<IP>:30001

The default login will be the username/password created in Step 3