Credential Management
Atomic OSSEC (AEO) credential management stores private keys for Secure Shell and Amazon Web Services API keys. These credentials can be re-used to integrate with services such as:
SSH agent push installs, in the Add Agent section
Agentless monitoring, under Agentless Configuration
Amazon S3, integrations->Remove Archiving
Amazon Glacier, integrations->Remote Archiving
Amazon System Manager Parameter Store-> Agentless Configuration, or Agent push installs
1.0 SSH Keys
Key Name: Unique user defined name for this key
SSH Key: Private SSH key (RSA, DSA, ECDSA, or ED25519 format)
Do not paste the public key in this field, it is for the private key generated by tools like ssh-keygen only.
2.0 Amazon Web Service API Keys
Group: user definied group tag for this API key
Key-ID: AWS public key
Secret-Key: AWS secret key
Region: Region where this key is defined